Exit Load – If charged, the same shall be credited to the scheme immediately net of Goods & Service Tax, if any.
^Total Expense Ratio - As on last day of the month & includes additional expenses provided in Regulation 52(6A)(b) and 52(6A)(c) of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996
and Goods and Service Tax on Management Fees.
@ Tracking Error – Calculated using daily value focused period.
Kindly refer addendum no. 63 dated September 28, 2012 for details about discontinued plan. Direct plan got introduced w.e.f. 01/01/2013. Kindly refer addendum no. 95 dated
December 31, 2012 for details about direct plan.
Kindly refer addendum no. 66 dated June 11, 2015 for details about discontinued bonus plan/option.
Scheme Related Disclosures
Debt Schemes of Reliance Mutual Fund has undergone fundamental attribute change w.e.f. May 19, 2018. Kindly refer notice cum addendum no. 6 dated April 13, 2018 available
on website (
www.reliancemutual.com) for the details of the aforementioned change before making investment decision.
Certain Equity Schemes of Reliance Mutual Fund has undergone fundamental attribute change/Merger w.e.f. April 28, 2018. Kindly refer notice cum addendum no. 200 & 201
dated March 23, 2018 available on website (
www.reliancemutual.com) for the details of the aforementioned change before making investment decision.
For change in Fund Manager for few of the scheme of Reliance Mutual Fund w.e.f. Feb 1, 2019 kindly refer notice cum addendum no. 145 dated Jan 31, 2019
With a view to bring uniformity in returns of the schemes and their respective benchmarks from currency perspective, the returns of S&P 500 and Topix (Tokyo Price Index) along
with respective underlying schemes i.e. Reliance US Equity Opportunities Fund and Reliance Japan Equity Fund are published in INR terms.
For change in Benchmark for few of the schemes of Reliance Mutual Fund w.e.f. April 16, 2019 kindly refer notice cum addendum no. 7 dated April 11, 2019
Kindly refer notice cum addendum no. 114 dated Nov 12, 2018 for Introduction of Tri-Party REPO in place of CBLO w.e.f Nov 05, 2018.
For change in Fund Manager for few of the scheme of Reliance Mutual Fund w.e.f. Nov 6, 2018 kindly refer notice cum addendum no. 109 dated Nov 2, 2018
For change in Benchmark for few of the schemes of Reliance Mutual Fund w.e.f. Oct 12, 2018 kindly refer notice cum addendum no. 99 dated Oct 10, 2018
As communicated by CRISIL the existing nomenclature of indices viz; CRISIL MIP Blended Fund Index & CRISIL Balanced Fund - Aggressive Index has been changed to CRISIL
Hybrid 85+15 - Conservative Index & CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 - Aggressive Index respectively w.e.f. Jan 31, 2018. Hence, the Benchmark for Reliance Hybrid Bond Fund & Reliance
Retirement Fund - Income Generation Scheme is now Crisil Hybrid 85+15 - Conservative Index. Benchmark for Reliance Equity Hybrid Fund is now CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 -
Aggressive Index.
*Reliance Focused Large Cap Fund was merged into Reliance Mid & Small Cap Fund and the merged scheme was renamed as Reliance Focused Equity Fund (‘Scheme’) with
effect from April 28, 2018. In line with SEBI circular SEBI/HO/IMD/DF3/CIR/P/2018/69 dated April 12, 2018, since the Scheme did not retain the features of either the transferor
or transferee scheme, the performance has been provided herein since the effective date i.e. April 28, 2018.
The investors of Reliance Gold Savings Fund & Reliance Junior BeES FOF will be bearing the recurring expenses of the scheme, in addition to the expenses of underlying scheme.
Disclaimer: The Fact sheet “Fundamentals” is meant for general reading purpose only and is not meant to serve as a professional guide for the readers. This document has
been prepared on the basis of publicly available information, internally developed data and other sources believed to be reliable. The Sponsor, the Investment Manager, the Trustee
or any of their respective directors, employees, affiliates or representatives (“entities & their affiliates”) do not assume any responsibility for, or warrant the authenticity, accuracy,
completeness, adequacy and reliability of such information. Whilst no action has been solicited based upon the information provided herein; due care has been taken to ensure
that the facts are accurate and opinions given are fair and reasonable. This information is not intended to be an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial
product or instrument. Recipients of this information are advised to rely on their own analysis, interpretations & investigations. Readers are also advised to seek independent
professional advice order to arrive at an informed investment decision. Entities & their affiliates shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive
or exemplary damages, including loss of profits, arising in any way from the information contained in this material. Entities & their affiliates including persons involved in the
preparation or issuance of this material may from time to time have long or short positions in and buy or sell the securities there of, of company(ies)/ specific economic sectors
mentioned herein. NAV of the plan/option of certain schemes are not provided for certain cases as the NAV was not computed because there were no investors as on the date on
which the NAV details are provided.
Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.