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Understanding SIP as per age and factoring income

A SIP or a Systematic Investment Plan has simplified the process of investing in a mutual fund scheme. It offers flexibility, convenience and many other benefits to investors. When investing through SIP, your financial goal (as in how much money you need and by when) is crucial. This would ideally be the first step to deciding where to and how much to invest. But, does one's age or income have anything to do with investing via SIP? Yes, it does! Your Age and Income are two factors that play a vital role in your investment strategy.

The role of age in SIP

Now, there's no particular age of investing in a SIP (as long as you are 18 and above), the thumb rule is – the earlier, the better. Take a look at the following image to understand how.

Age 25 Years
No of years invested35
Assumed Rate of Return15
Monthly Investment2000
Total Investment Value at the age of 60Rs. 2.93 Cr
No of years invested35
Assumed Rate of Return15
Monthly Investment2000
Total Investment Value at the age of 60Rs. 1.39 Cr

Age 30 Years
Rahul started investing Rs 2,000 every month since the age of 25, and Ramesh invested Rs 2,000 per month since he was 30. Both were invested for a period of 35 years.

Result: Rahul earned more than Ramesh at the age of 60 due to early investment.

This is where a SIP strategy comes into play.

Age 25 Years
No of years invested35
Assumed Rate of Return15
Monthly Investment2000
Total Investment Value at the age of 60Rs. 2.93 Cr
No of years invested35
Assumed Rate of Return15
Monthly Investment2000
Total Investment Value at the age of 60Rs. 1.39 Cr

Age 30 Years
The Image above shows that a change in monthly investment can help Ramesh generate the same amount of corpus as Rahul by the age of 60, even after starting late. Now just like increasing the monthly investment, there are other strategies that change according to your age.

Provided below are some investment options for different age groups based on their profile, goals, corresponding needs, risk capacity and asset allocation.

SIP as per age

Here's an approximate bifurcation of how one should invest based on their age.


Age 20s


An investor is usually starting out in his/her career at this age. It is a great time to start investing and inculcate that habit of financial planning.


Could be planning for higher education, vehicle or marriage.

Risk capacity

Since the investor is young, the risk capacity can be very high.

Asset allocation

At this age, most of the investment is suggested to be in equity mutual funds while some can be in debt funds.

Age 30s


The investor is usually in a growth phase in his/her career at this age. It's time for planning key financial milestones in life.


Planning for buying a house or getting married.

Risk capacity

The investor is still at a level to take high risks for financial goals.

Asset allocation

The bigger chunk of the investment still needs to be in equity while the smaller portion can be in debt funds.


Age 40s


Career is stable, and family responsibilities are the main focus here.


Funds for dependent parents, children's education and Retirement planning are the key priorities

Risk capacity

Since family responsibilities are high, risk capacity is moderate.

Asset allocation

During this phase, the split is either equal between debt and equity or debt takes the bigger share.

Age 50s


The investor is on the verge of retirement or is already retired with no regular income.


Retirement planning is at the top of the list to help maintain a satisfactory lifestyle and meet basic needs.

Risk capacity

Here, the investor should take the least amount of risk or no risk at all.

Asset allocation

Based on the goals and risk capacity, the allocation should mostly concentrate on debt investments.


Investment plan depends on investor goals& risk which may not be same for all and will depend on various factors. The views being expressed only constitute opinions and therefore cannot be considered as guidelines, recommendations or as a professional guide for the readers. Before making any investments, the readers are advised to seek independent professional advice, verify the contents in order to arrive at an informed investment decision. The above illustration should not be construed as a promise, guarantee on or a forecast of any minimum returns and should not be related to any of the Nippon India Mutual Fund Schemes.

SIP for Minors (Below 18 years of age)

As mentioned earlier in the article, you need to be 18 and above to invest in a SIP. However, many parents want to make an investment in the name of their kids, who at the time are minors (below 18 years).

Is that even possible?
Yes, one can invest in a SIP for minors, but there are certain norms to follow.

SIP for 18 years and below,

  • The parents or guardians can invest in a SIP for minors.
  • In such a case, the minor will be the sole holder of the investment with no joint holder allowed. The guardian should be either a parent or a court-appointed legal guardian.
  • Investments made for minors are identified by the date of birth of the investor, and so, while making an investment, you will have to provide the child's date of birth and age.
  • In addition to this, you will have to provide a copy of the age proof, which can be the birth certificate, passport copy, etc. as evidence of the date of birth of the minor and relationship of the guardian (natural or legal guardian) with the minor.

When the minor turns 18,

  • The guardian has to freeze the SIP investment from the date of minor attaining majority.
  • Before the minor turns 18, a notice will be sent to the unitholder at their registered correspondence address.
  • The notice will address the need for the minor to submit an application form along with prescribed documents to change their status in the investment from 'minor' to 'major'.
Now that we have taken a look at the role of age in a SIP investment, let's understand the income aspect.

Factoring income for SIP

Usually, your income is used for three main purposes, namely, expenditures, emergency and investing for your financial goals. So before you start investing, your fixed obligations should be determined. Fixed obligations are expenses that are necessary for meeting the basic requirements of life.

Here's an example to help you understand.

Say X has a monthly income of Rs. 50,000.
His expenses are as follows:
Rent = Rs. 10,000
Electricity Bill = Rs. 5,000
Food and other utilities = Rs. 5,000
Total Expenses = Rs. (10,000 + 5,000 + 5,000) = Rs. 20,000
This represents the total fixed obligations for X.
Total income available for investments = Total income – Fixed Obligations = Rs. (50,000-20,000) = Rs. 30,000
Thus, X can choose to invest any amount up to Rs. 30,000.

SIP and income

Yes, your investments depend upon your income and capacity to invest. However, investing via SIP has its benefits.


Unlike other investment methods, SIP allows you to invest as per your comfort. This reduces the strain on your monthly finances and helps you invest easily. So, instead of investing 5 Lakhs at once, you can invest 5 Thousand per month over 5-6 years instead. With a gradual accumulation and the power of compounding, you will achieve your financial goal conveniently.

Goals and Planning

Investing via SIP is a goal-based approach. Which means, your goals determine your SIP amount. This gives you a clear understanding of your investment requirement so you can plan accordingly.


ParticularsRetirementChild's Higher EducationHouseMarriageWorld Tour
Current Cost25,0006,00,00012,00,00015,00,0004,00,000
Years from now2515102210
Expenses at the time of retirement1,07,000    
Amount required to achive the GoalRs. 2.62 Crores19,00,00025,91,00082,00,0008,60,000
SIP amount required11,3003,40010,4005,2503,500
Use a Goal Calculator to simplify the process.

The above is only for illustration purpose based on assumption and should not be construed as a promise, guarantee on or a forecast of any minimum returns. , the readers are advised to seek independent professional advice,

Climb towards your goals

While you may not be financially fit to achieve your goals now, you can gradually make it happen with a SIP.

Step-up SIPs help counter a late start or slow income growth With the help of a top-up SIP, you can start an investment of a smaller amount and increase it gradually every year. Since this increase is gradual, it does not make a significant impact on your finances, and your goal looks more achievable.

Remember: Investing via a SIP, is not a one-time exercise. It is a continuous process that evolves over time. Hence, your investment strategy today could change in months, years or decades.

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