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Key Aspects to note for investment in Mutual Fund(s) – An Investor Education and Awareness program

Investors needs to be KYC compliant for investing into Mutual Funds.


KYC or Know Your Customer is a customer identification process and is a must for investing in Mutual Fund(s). The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has laid down guidelines under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002, which makes it binding for financial institutions and financial intermediaries like mutual funds to acquaint themselves with their customers. This one-time process needs to be done by submitting the duly filled KYC application along with the Identity and Address Proof at any of the Mutual Fund office(s).

Hence, investors who want to make an investment in a mutual fund scheme either through a lumpsum or a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) should complete the KYC process. KYC is mandatory irrespective of the investment amount. A one-time verification is all that is needed for transactions across all mutual funds.

Note: KYC process helps prevent money laundering and other suspicious transactions.

Proof of Identity (Any one of the below documents. PAN is Mandatory if the investment amount is > 50K)

Passport / PAN Card / Voter ID / NREGA Job Card.

Proof of Address: (Any one of the below Document)

Passport / PAN Card / Voter ID / NREGA Job Card./ Aadhar Card

Click here to view the KYC informative section on the Nippon India Mutual Fund website (NIMF).

Update your Profile details

Another important aspect with regard to your investment across AMC’s / Mutual Fund(s) is your profile details. It is very important to keep your profile details updated with us for seamless transacting / investing and being updated about your transactions over your registered Email id or Mobile number and Address. We are glad to inform you that you can very easily update your address, phone number, bank details etc by filling up the respective form and submit the form to your nearest Designated Investor Service Centre (DISC) along with the respective supporting documents.

Quick links (click on the respective form / tab as required to view, download and use)

Change / update of Address

Change of Bank details

Change / update of Mobile number / Email id

For further details , request you to click here and view the Non-Commercial Transaction checklist page on Nippon India Mutual Fund website.

Few Regulatory / cautionary measures

  1. Please always invest with registered Mutual Fund entities / AMC’s, which are explicitly verified on the SEBI website under “Intermediaries / Market Infrastructure Institutions”.

Further, we would also like to update you that for redressal of your complaints / for any assistance please get in touch with your Financial Advisor / nearest Branch or Investor Service Centre or contact us on 1860 266 0111 (Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 9 pm , call charges apply) or write to us at You can also visit the SEBI SCORES portal for redressal of your complaints.

Click here to know more about SEBI SCORES.

This is an Investor Education / Awareness Initiative by Nippon India Mutual Fund (NIMF) and we aim to keep you updated at all times. Do write back to us with your valuable feedback / suggestions.
