` per month to accumlate
% Inflation Rate for
1 Y ears
For a list of 'short term' schemes and our other schemes, please
click here
Your goal is
short term in nature.
You may have to invest
` per month.
You may consider investing into 'Low Risk' Schemes, which invests mostly into debt instruments, in order to possibly achieve your goal.
You may consider investing predominantly into 'Medium Risk' Schemes, which invest into fixed income and equity instruments, in order to possibly achieve your goal.
You may consider investing predominantly into 'High Risk' Schemes, which have the potential to generate higher returns in the longer term, in order to possibly achieve your goal.
For a list of 'short term' schemes and our other schemes, please
click here
Please note that the above suggestion is being made considering the 'short term' tenure of your specific goal. We have assumed a default rate of return of
8% in order to calculate the amount of investment you have to make to possibly achieve your goals. We believe 'low risk' schemes may be ideal for your goals. However, there is no assurance that you will be able to achieve the rate of return mentioned above and therefore, your goal.
Should you wish to calculate the amount of investment to achieve your goal by assuming a different rate of return for the calculator, you may do so by entering the value
here. Please note that our suggestion based on our default rate of return would no longer be valid.
Note: The rate of return used for the above calculation is Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Readers are advised to seek independent professional advice and arrive at an informed investment decision before making any investments