HomeInvestor ServicesDownloadsTotal Expense Ratio of Mutual Fund Schemes Custom TitleTotal Expense Ratio of Mutual Fund Schemes Page ContentTotal Expense Ratio of Mutual Fund Schemes Expense Ratio 24-25 Download Expense Ratio 23-24 Download Expense Ratio 22-23 Download Expense Ratio 21-22 Download Expense Ratio 20-21 Download Expense Ratio 19-20 Download Expense Ratio 18-19 Download Expense Ratio 17-18 Download Notice for Change in Base TERNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 20.03.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 11.03.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 11.03.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 05.03.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 04.03.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 21.02.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 21.02.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 18.02.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Institutional plan w.e.f 17.02.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 17.02.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 17.02.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 31.01.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 30.01.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 29.01.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 29.01.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 28.01.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Institutional plan w.e.f 08.01.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 08.01.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 08.01.25 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 23.12.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 23.12.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 20.12.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 20.12.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 31.10.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 28.10.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 28.10.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Institutional plan w.e.f 24.10.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 24.10.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 24.10.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 04.10.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 04.10.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 25.09.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 25.09.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 24.09.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 24.09.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 30.08.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 30.08.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Institutional plan w.e.f 14.08.24Download24 Change in Fundamental attributes of CPSE ETF DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 24.07.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 24.07.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 04.07.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 04.07.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 01.07.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 01.07.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 28.06.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 14.06.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 14.05.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 14.05.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 07.05.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 07.05.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 26.04.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 26.04.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 12.04.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 12.04.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 10.04.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 10.04.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 04.04.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 04.04.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 01.04.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 01.04.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 15.03.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 15.03.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 06.03.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 06.03.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 27.02.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 26.02.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 23.02.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 23.02.24 DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 25 01 24 Revised w.e.f 29 01 24DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 25 01 24 Revised w.e.f 29.01.24DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 24.01.24 Revised w.e.f 25.01.24DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 24.01.24 Revised w.e.f 25.01.24DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 23.01.24 Revised w.e.f.24.01.24DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 29.01.2024DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 29.01.2024DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 25.01.2024DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 25.01.2024DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 24.01.2024DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 24.01.2024DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 23.01.2024DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 02.01.2024DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 02.01.2024DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 22.12.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 22.12.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 21.12.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 21.12.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 20.12.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 14.12.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 14.12.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 11.12.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 11.12.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 17.11.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 17.11.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 09.11.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 09.11.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 23.10.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 23.10.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 01.10.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 27.09.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 27.09.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 22.09.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 12.09.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 12.09.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 28.08.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 28.08.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 13.07.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 13.07.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 15.06.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 15.06.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 09.06.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 09.06.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 24.05.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 24.05.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 22.05.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 22.05.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 16.05.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 16.05.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 03.05.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 27.04.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 27.04.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 20.04.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 12.04.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 12.04.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 05.04.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 22.03.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 16.03.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 16.03.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 15.03.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 15.03.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 28.02.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 27.02.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 27.02.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 16.02.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 09.02.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 08.02.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 03.02.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 20.01.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 20.01.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 18.01.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 17.01.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 16.01.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 06.01.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 03.01.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 03.01.2023DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 28.12.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 28.12.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 27.12.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 27.12.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 23.12.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 22.12.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 22.12.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 20.12.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 08.12.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 08.12.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 25.11.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 15.11.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 15.11.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 28.10.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 28.10.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 13.10.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 13.10.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 29.09.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 29.09.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 21.09.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 21.09.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 20.09.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 20.09.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 22.08.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 22.08.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 11.08.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 11.08.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 10.08.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 10.08.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 01.08.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 01.08.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 19.07.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 19.07.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 27.06.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of 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09.05.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 06.05.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 06.05.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 05.05.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 05.05.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 26.04.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 26.04.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 11.04.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 11.04.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 08.04.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 08.04.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 05.04.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 05.04.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 04.04.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 04.04.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 16.03.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 16.03.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 11.03.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 10.03.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 23.02.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 23.02.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 14.02.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 14.02.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 04.02.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 04.02.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 04.01.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 04.01.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Retail Plan w.e.f 04.01.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 03.01.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 03.01.2022DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 17.12.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 17.12.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 14.12.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 10.12.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 10.12.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 25.11.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 25.11.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct plan w.e.f 21.10.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular plan w.e.f 21.10.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 01.10.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 08.06.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 04.06.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 25.05.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 13.05.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 13.05.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 05.05.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 06.05.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 06.05.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 17.04.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 31.03.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 06.03.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 06.03.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 05.03.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 05.03.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 25.02.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 25.02.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 23.02.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 23.02.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 13.02.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 13.02.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 06.02.2020DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 06.02.2020DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 01.01.2021DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 17.12.2020DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 17.12.2020DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 09.11.2020DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 09.11.2020DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 01.10.2020DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 20.08.2020DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 20.08.2020DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 20.08.2020DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 06.08.2020DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 06.08.2020DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 04.08.2020DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Regular Plan w.e.f 04.08.2020DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 30-07-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Reguler Plan w.e.f 30-07-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 16-07-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 14-07-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Reguler Plan w.e.f 14-07-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 07-07-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Reguler Plan w.e.f 07-07-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 12-06-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 29-05-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Reguler Plan w.e.f 29-05-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 27-05-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Reguler Plan w.e.f 27-05-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 21-05-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Reguler Plan w.e.f 21-05-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 20-05-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Reguler Plan w.e.f 20-05-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 19-05-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Reguler Plan w.e.f 19-05-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 15-05-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Reguler Plan w.e.f 15-05-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 14-05-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 13-05-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 30-04-20Download Notice for change in Expenses of Regular Plans w.e.f 30-04-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 28-04-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 22-04-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 10-04-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 04-04-20Download Notice for change in Expenses of Regular Plans w.e.f 04-04-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 01-04-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 01-04-20Download Notice for change in Expenses of Regular Plans w.e.f 01-04-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Reguler Plan w.e.f 28-03-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Reguler Plan w.e.f 28-03-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Reguler Plan w.e.f 27-03-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 25-03-2020Download Notice for change in Expenses of Regular Plans w.e.f 25-03-20DownloadNotice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 14-03-2020Download Notice for change in Expenses of Regular Plans w.e.f 02-03-20Download Notice for change in Expenses of Regular Plans w.e.f 29-02-20Download Notice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 29-02-20Download Notice for change in 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15-08-19Download Notice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 15-08-19Download Notice for change in Expenses of Regular Plans w.e.f 26-07-19Download Notice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 26-07-19Download Notice for change in Expenses of Regular Plans w.e.f 18-07-19Download Notice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 18-07-19Download Notice for change in Expenses of Regular Plans w.e.f 22-06-19Download Notice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 22-06-19Download Notice for change in Expenses of Regular Plans w.e.f 07-06-19Download Notice for change in Expenses of Direct Plan w.e.f 07-06-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Regular-05-06-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Direct-05-06-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Regular-05-06-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Direct-05-06-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Regular-04-06-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Direct-04-06-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Regular-31-05-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Direct-31-05-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Regular-21-05-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Direct-21-05-19Download Common Notice for All Plans-01-05-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Regular-17-04-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Direct & Regular-10-04-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Regular-09-04-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Direct-09-04-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Regular-06-04-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Direct-06-04-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Regular-09-03-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Direct-09-03-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Regular-22-02-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Regular-26-01-19Download Common Notice for All Schemes Direct-26-01-19Download Notice TER XXXV Series 16 12-01-2019Download Notice TER XXXV Series 15 12-01-2019Download Notice TER XXXV Series 14 12-01-2019Download Notice TER XXXV Series 13 12-01-2019Download Notice TER XXXV Series 12 28-12-2018Download Notice TER XXXV Series 11 -28-12-2018Download Common Notice for All Schemes Regular-15-12-18 Download Common Notice for All Schemes Direct-15-12-18 Download CPSE ETF – 07-12-2018 Download Common Notice for All Schemes Direct-28-11-18 Download Common Notice for All Schemes Regular-28-11-18 Download Common Notice for All Schemes Regular-21-11-18 Download Common Notice for All Schemes Direct-21-11-18 Download Notice TER XXXVIII Series-10 20112018 Download Notice TER XXXVIII Series-2 20112018 Download Notice TER XXXVIII Series-1-20112018 Download Common Notice for All Schemes Regular-20-11-18 Download Common Notice for All Schemes Direct-20-11-18 Download Reliance Fixed Horizon Fund XXXV Series 7 - 23-11-2018Download Reliance Fixed Horizon Fund XXXV Series 6 - 23-11-2018Download Quarterly Interval fund-Series 2 - 24-11-2018Download 2FMPs Common Notice for All Schemes Direct Plan- 31-10-18Download 2FMPs Common Notice for All 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