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Composite Financial Goal Planner Calculator

Know how many years and regular investment will yield your overall financial goals. Your Complete financial planner in just this on composite financial goal planner calculator!

Child Education Cost
Your wealth
How much money you spend
Your Age
Acquiring Wealth(Age)
Current Age of your Child
Child Ready for
Professional Education?
When would you need
the amount
Expected Rate of Inflation(% P.A)
Expected Rate of Return(% P.A)
Savings you have now
Composite Planner Education Wealth Expense Total
Amount at today's price Rs.25,00,000 Rs.50,00,000 Rs.50,00,000 Rs.1,25,00,000
Number of years to achieve your goals 6 year(s) 30 year(s) 30 year(s) -
Expected rate of return from investments(% per annum) 12.50% 12.50% 12.50% -
Personal goal target(Inflation adjuasted) Rs.1,25,00,295 Rs.6,50,12,684 Rs.1,50,00,742 Rs.8,64,00,017
Your current savings amount Rs.1,38,888 Rs.2,77,777 Rs.83,333 Rs.5,00,000
Monthly Savings required Rs.9,729 Rs.9,053 Rs.3,455 Rs.22,237

Composite Planner

Everyone has unique dreams and aspirations. And these individual goals require customised planning and some introspection. You need to figure out the goal, how much time you wish to achieve it in, and how much risk you are willing to take financially to accomplish that. Your goals can be short-term, medium-term, or long-term. Short-term financial goals usually are the goals to be achieved within a span of one to three years.

Financial goal planning is the method to organise your available money by investing it systematically, phase-wise. It is the financial goal planning that helps you to cut down on unnecessary expenses and utilize savings in investments.

There is the need to plan your investments to achieve your multiple financial goals at the right time. Like a financial planner, you need to select the best investments for your portfolio based on your risk profile. Don’t worry! It is not rocket science. We present to you a tool that can help you with a sound plan in no time - Composite Financial Goal Planner Calculator.

Composite Planner

This calculator is an easy-to-use tool, just like a mutual fund calculator or SIP planner. You just need to determine and establish your financial goals and allocate funds to each goal. Enter the amount you would need to fulfill your financial goals, age, expected rate of inflation, and expected rate of return. That's it. The calculator will suggest how much you need to invest at present to get the appropriate amount in the future that will be sufficient to meet your financial goals.

The Composite Planner will show you the result for:

  • Amount at today's prices
  • Number of years to achieve your goals
  • Personal goal target (Inflation adjusted)
  • Monthly Savings required

All in one go. You can use our Composite Calculator to identify how much you need to invest to achieve your goals.

You can take the rates from the below links and estimate inflation and returns as per official figures.

Disclaimer: The above results are based on an assumed rate of return and for illustration purpose only. Please get in touch with a professional advisor for a detailed suggestion. The calculations are not based on any judgments of the future return of the debt and equity markets / sectors or of any individual security and should not be construed as a promise on minimum returns and/or safeguard of capital. While utmost care has been exercised while preparing the calculator, NIMF does not warrant the completeness or guarantee that the achieved computations are flawless and/or accurate and disclaims all liabilities, losses and damages arising out of the use or in respect of anything done in reliance of the calculator. The examples do not purport to represent the performance of any security or investments. Given the individual nature of tax consequences, each investor is advised to consult his/her professional tax/financial advisor before making any investment decision.   Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and is not a guarantee of any future returns.

The information/illustrations provided herein is meant only for general reading purposes and the views being expressed only constitute opinions and therefore cannot be considered as guidelines, recommendations or as a professional guide for the readers. The document has been prepared on the basis of publicly available information, internally developed data and other sources believed to be reliable. The sponsor, the Investment Manager, the Trustee or any of their directors, employees, affiliates or representatives (“entities & their affiliates”) do not assume any responsibility for, or warrant the accuracy, completeness, adequacy and reliability of such information. Recipients of this information are advised to rely on their own analysis, interpretations & investigations. Readers are also advised to seek independent professional advice in order to arrive at an informed investment decision. Entities & their affiliates including persons involved in the preparation or issuance of this material shall not be liable in any way for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages, including on account of lost profits arising from the information contained in this material. Recipient alone shall be fully responsible for any decision taken on the basis of this document.


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