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Welcome to the world of smart investing choices! You have made a wise decision to explore the world of SIP+. As you progress in your financial management journey, your investments may serve you better if they are calculated more scientifically. After all, there are goals to be met and dreams to be lived! Typically, ‘smart’ is when a product or service performs something more complex, something more than the basic outcome expected. Introducing Nippon India sip+, which does not simply invest periodically but it invests intelligently as well.

What is SIP+

SIP+ is a feature offered by Nippon India Mutual Fund which attempts to invest dynamically aided by an in house proprietary quantitative model. This in house model depending on multiple market indicators seeks to gauge if the prevailing equity market levels are cheap or expensive and accordingly invest more or less. In the SIP+ feature an investor will decide the base amount, and the investment will vary between 0.3X to 3X of the base amount. So, say, an investor decides to invest Rs. 5000 per month, then SIP+ will invest between Rs.1500 to Rs.15000, depending on the market conditions. (The given example is only for explanation purpose)

How does SIP+ work

To understand how an SIP+ works, we need to first look at the Nippon India Mutual Fund’s Quant-based Proprietary Model, which determines an investor's monthly instalments and allocates it dynamically. The NIMF’s Quant-based Proprietary Model uses intuitive methods along with an algorithm that evaluates Valuation and Contra indicators to allocate the SIPs dynamically based on the current market conditions.

The model will derive a multiplier/ value based on these parameters and indicators. Using this multiplier, the current market conditions are analyzed; if the multiplier determines the markets to be bearish, it may be time to buy, and hence the investment amount may increase; if the markets are determined to be bullish, then it's time to hold the buying and hence the investment may reduce. This is how SIP+ works, intending to give the investors better returns.

of SIP+

The benefits of SIP+
are as follows:

Discipline in Investing

SIP + can help inculcate the habit of setting aside a certain sum of money every month to meet financial goals. And can help you with evolving life goals as well.

Rupee Cost Averaging

SIP+ ensures that you buy low and sell high; hence when the markets are low, an investor buys more. This reemphasises and goes one step ahead with the benefits of rupee cost averaging.

The flexibility of Investment

With SIP+, the investment amount will vary per the algorithm and market conditions. Also, an investor can decide the minimum and maximum investment amounts.

Dynamic allocation may tend to offer better returns

The algorithm decides the investment amount and the allocation. This can help endeavor better returns. In the future the allocation will be made intelligently. Of course, market conditions are unpredictable, and nothing can guarantee results.

How to Start SIP+ Investment?

It is fairly simple to start investing through SIP+ in Nippon India Mutual Fund. The below-mentioned steps must be followed:

Select the plan, the payout option, and the mode of investing

lumpsum/ SIP/ lumpsum+SIP/ SIP+

On selecting SIP+ you will be asked the minimum and maximum amount

Complete the KYC details and bank details and process the transaction

Which schemes are available for SIP+?

Currently only the below mentioned schemes are available for investing through the SIP+ option:


As an investor who has a surplus income and is keen on benefiting from timing the market but does not have the time or expertise for it can benefit from the SIP+ option.


SIP+ from Nippon India Mutual Fund is a smart form of investing. An algorithm helps to understand whether the current market levels are cheap or expensive based on valuation & other macro indicators. Based on this algorithm, the instalment amount varies. So, say the algorithm indicates that the markets are cheap, then the investor will invest 3 times their base amount and acquire more units. However, if the algorithm indicates that the markets are expensive, the investor will invest 0.3 times the base amount and acquire lesser units. Hence the concept of buy low, and sell high.

SIP+ uses an in-house Proprietary Quant Model to dynamically allocate the SIP instalments based on the current market conditions. The monthly instalments are determined based on the result of the algorithm, which indicates if the markets are cheap or expensive. SIP+ seeks to generate better return ‘per unit of investment’ through dynamic optimal allocation. The investment amount can vary between 03X to 3X of the investment amount. So, say an investor decides the base amount to be Rs.20,000, then the monthly instalment will vary between Rs.6000 to Rs. 60,000

SIP+ has all the benefits of a normal SIP, like the power of compounding, periodic investing, the habit of saving, long-term wealth creation and rupee cost averaging. Additionally, it also gives the investor the benefit of rupee cost averaging as they can buy more when markets are low and vice versa. SIP+ allocates the instalment intelligently, which can offer the better returns on the investment. SIP+ tends to times the market, so it may offers the maximum benefits of equity investing. The other benefit it offers to investors is the flexibility of investment. Once the investor decides the base amount, the monthly instalments will vary based on the current markets.

A regular SIP investment means a fixed sum of money is invested throughout the period of investment. So if an investor starts with a SIP of Rs. 5000, they will keep investing Rs. 5000 every month. However, with SIP+, the investor decides the base amount of investment; depending on the market, the amount will vary between 0.3X to 3X. SIP+ times the markets and invests dynamically,. Regular SIPs buy and hold an investments, whereas SIP+ buys low and sells high, which potentially tend to fetches better returns.

The base amount is what an investor decides to invest. Just like in a regular SIP, a fixed sum is decided. Based on this amount, the minimum and maximum instalments will be decided. The investor must decide the amount based on the investible funds, financial goals, risk appetite and investment horizon. Also, if the base amount is high, then the maximum instalment will be 3 times that will be considered.

The SIP+ amount is variable as the NIMF’s Quant-based Proprietary model determines it. The range within which the amount will vary will be 0.3X to 3X of the base amount as the investor decides. So, depending on the markets, the amount of SIP+ will vary. If markets go up, investment may go low and vice versa.

SIP+ is the investment mode for an investor, just like an investor can opt for SIP or a lump sum amount in the case of regular investments. Hence the exit load that applies to the fund an investor chooses to invest through a SIP+ will be the exit load applicable.

SIP+ is an intelligent investment feature that uses tools to determine how much should be invested to make the most of the market conditions. Based on factors like PE (Price to Earnings ratio) and market indexes, the algorithm determines the market condition and concludes if it is time to buy more or buy normal or hold off buying. Hence monthly instalments will vary. The minimum amount is 0.3X of the base amount, and the maximum amount is 3X of the base amount. So, for a base amount of Rs.8000, the minimum amount will be Rs.2400, and the maximum amount will be Rs.24,000.

Mutual Fund investment can be made by investors who are above the age of 18. However, suppose parents or guardians want to start a folio in the name of the minor. In that case, it can be done by submitting certain proofs like evidence of the minor’s age, like a passport or birth certificate, and proof of the minor’s relationship with the parent or guardian.

  • Minimum Amount, Frequency, SIP dates, Instalment & eligible schemes criteria is mentioned as under.

Eligible Schemes

Minimum Base Amount

Minimum No of Instalments.

Sip Dates

Nippon India Index Fund - Nifty 50 Plan

Rs. 1000/- and in multiples of Rs.500/-.

12 Installments.

10th or 28th of every month

Nippon India Index Fund - S&P BSE Sensex Plan

Nippon India Nifty Smallcap 250 Index Fund

Nippon India Nifty Midcap 150 Index Fund

  • SIP+ Feature is offered for SIPs with monthly frequency only.
  • Only single SIP+ will be accepted in same Folio, Scheme, Plan & Option.
  • One Time Bank Mandate to be submitted along with the SIP+ application form. SIP+ will be allowed only where OTBM is registered & OTBM cap amount should be thrice of the SIP base amount.
  • SIP+ is available for all the plans and options i.e., Growth/IDCW and Direct/Regular under eligible schemes.
  • From the first SIP+ installment onwards, the investment amount shall be computed as per the Model.
  • Once the SIP+ has been stopped the unit holder needs to provide a new request to start SIP+.
  • The redemption/ switch-out of units allotted in the designated Scheme shall be processed on First in First out (FIFO) basis. If there are redemption or switch transactions processed from units created under SIP+ during the tenure of SIP+, the SIP+ will be rejected and future SIP’s will be suspended.
  • Facilities likes Step Up, SIP Insure, Pause, Mid-way Step up, Portfolio SIP, Modify SIP and Flex SIP are not allowed for SIP+.
  • In case of applicability of transaction charges, SIP amount will be calculated against as on date allotted units.
  • Under SIP+ Change of Bank (COB) of OTBM will be allowed.
  • SIP+ will get terminated after 3 Consecutive rejections with reason insufficient funds.


Nippon India Index Fund - Nifty 50 Plan

(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty 50)

This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:

  • Long term capital growth
  • Investment in equity and equity related securities and portfolios replicating the composition of the Nifty 50, subject to tracking errors

*Investors should consult their financial advisors if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them

Nippon India Index Fund-S&P BSE Sensex Plan

(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking S&P BSE Sensex)

This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:

  • Long term capital growth
  • Investment in equity and equity related securities and portfolios replicating the composition of the sensex, subject to tracking errors

*Investors should consult their financial advisors if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them

Nippon India Nifty Midcap 150 Index Fund

(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Midcap 150 Index)

This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:

  • Long term capital growth
  • Investment in equity and equity related securities and portfolios replicating the composition of the Nifty Midcap 150 Index, subject to tracking errors

*Investors should consult their financial advisors if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them

Nippon India Nifty Smallcap 250 Index Fund

(An open ended scheme replicating/tracking Nifty Smallcap 250 Index)

This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*:

  • Long term capital growth
  • Investment in equity and equity related securities and portfolios replicating the composition of the Nifty Smallcap 250 Index, subject to tracking errors.

*Investors should consult their financial advisors if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them

Investors understand that their principal will be at Very High risk

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